Welcome to Your Nutrien Hub
At Nutrien Ag Solutions, we understand how important it is for you to stay connected with your sales representative and agronomist. That’s why we’ve created this one-stop shop for secure, online support – whenever and wherever you need us. This tool provides innovative ways to stay connected, allowing us to help you manage your farming operation and continue to be a valued partner for your growing business.
Reasons to take advantage of the Nutrien HUB:
- Make payments with confidence.
- View invoices, purchase history and additional account details.
- Manage your account profile and notification preferences, including paperless statement signup.
- Explore a variety of competitive financing offers to meet your input needs.
- Monitor local and field-level agronomically relevant weather conditions, and view shared agronomic plans.
Creating an account is easy with our step-by-step instructions. Once completed, we invite you to explore the many features available to help make your farming operation more productive and profitable.